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  • Rachel Benton UK 3:49 pm on May 14, 2012 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Ampthill, Ampthill Fitness Classes, ampthill park bootcamps, , , , , , TheFitness classes in Bedford   

    New Bootcamp Beginners Running Club starting… 


    We are so excited to be adding a beginners running club to our existing Ampthill Bootcamp. You can do just the Bootcamp session or combine it with our Running club which means extra results and extra fitness!

    It starts June 11th……in Ampthill Park

    Grab your FREE taster session for our Ampthill Bootcamp now on 14th June, 21st June and 28th June.


    We are so pleased to be running these sessions with Run England and the support of GETBACKINTO….

    Ask us about it now… http://www.rachelbenton.co.uk



  • Rachel Benton UK 9:55 am on April 10, 2012 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: ampthill bootcamps, ampthill park bootcamps, , , fitness and fatloss bootcamps in bedfordshire, fitness classes in Ampthill, , military fitness in bedford, , , , weight loss clubs in ampthill   

    New Fitness & Fatloss Bootcamps in Bedford and Ampthill 2012 

    Bedford and Ampthill Fitness and Fatloss Bootcamps

    Our Bootcamps use a specific training method that will fire up your metabolism for 24 hours, and that means a hard, lean, strong and fit body that you can be confident about this Spring and Summer. Our sessions are made for all fitness levels…so don`t be afraid :0)

    Don`t forget we will push you to work hard in our fitness sessions but we won`t bully or humiliate you. We want you to feel great after our workouts!

    Think about it….if you keep come along twice or even three times a week that is a lot of extra opportunity for your body to lose some inches and shred some fat unwanted fat from your belly, butt and thighs.

    You`ll get out what you put in with our workouts so what do you think? We have seen some impressive results already this year and we`d really like to show you how we do it….so that you can keep doing it on your own as well as with a little bit of our help.

    Give us a call so we can book you in…

    We can`t wait to get started again…

    Rachel & Team

    t: 07879 614 730

    e: info@rachelbenton.co.uk

    w: http://www.rachelbenton.co.uk






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